PET RENU CREWTHE PET RENU CREWPet Renu proudly sponsors pets and events around the world who are incredible ambassadors to the industry and great friends to the pet community. Want to be a Pet Renu sponsored athlete? TRIGGER ELSEY THE DOCK DIVER
Trigger is an award-winning dock diving dog and professional Pet Renu athlete. CHERIE THE FRENCHIECherie is an award-winning surf dog and Pet Renu athlete. She is a rescue dog competing in dog surfing events and has raised thousands of dollars for charity. After shredding the surf, Cherie loves a bath with Pet Renu Premium. ELLIE THE ENGLISH BULLDOGEllie the English Bulldog is an action sports athlete who loves to paddle board, snowboard and Jet Surf with her dad. Ellie says that Pet Renu keeps her fresh after a Jet Surf sesh! WORLD DOG SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPPet Renu is an official sponsor of the Norcal Dog Surfing event & World Championships for Dog Surfing take place on the Northern California coast -- where the concept for the sport originated -- bringing together dog surfing talent. Dog surfers are invited to bring home the gold for charity. |